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St. Benedict of Norcia and the Benedictine Rule.

St. Benedict of Norcia is a central figure in Christianity and the founder of the Benedictine monastic order. È remembered for his ascetic life, spiritual wisdom and Rule, which profoundly influenced Western monasticism.

Youth and conversion

Born in Norcia around 480 CE, just after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, he received a sound education and in his youth went to Rome to complete his studies. He was soon disillusioned by the decadent Roman lifestyle, however, and withdrew into solitude to devote himself to prayer and contemplation. He then settled in a cave in Subiaco, where he lived as a hermit for about three years. During this time, Benedict became famous for his holiness and wisdom, attracting many disciples: he then organized a monastic colony, consisting of twelve small cenobia with twelve monks each. Later, together with his most faithful disciples, he went to Cassino and founded, around 529, theabbey of Montecassino. Here he died there, according to tradition, on March 21 of the year 547, forty days after the death of his sister Scholastica with whom he had a common burial.

The Rule of St. Benedict

His most significant work was the founding of the monastery of Monte Cassino around 529. Here Benedict wrote the "Rule of Monks," a Set of precepts governing monastic life, based on prayer, work and study. The Rule of St. Benedict is a foundational document for Western monasticism: consisting of 73 chapters, it provides guidelines on various aspects of monastic life. The Rule emphasizes the balance between work and prayer, known as "Ora et Labora" (pray and work), and promotes stability, community and obedience.

The impact of Benedict and his Rule was enormous. After his death, Benedictine monasteries spread rapidly throughout Europe, and were not only spiritual centers but also hubs of culture where ancient manuscripts were transcribed for the preservation of knowledge. St. Benedict was canonized by Pope Honorius III in 1220. In 1964, Pope Paul VI proclaimed him patron saint of Europe, recognizing his crucial role in the formation of European culture. Each year, the Catholic Church celebrates the liturgical memory of St. Benedict on March 21, while July 11 is the feast day dedicated to him in the Benedictine tradition.

The Medal of St. Benedict

The Medal of St. Benedict is a sacramental recognized by the Catholic Church, known for its power of exorcism and deliverance from evil. However, it is not a talisman and possesses no inherent power, but serves as a reminder of God and to inspire a desire to serve God and neighbor. The medal is a form of prayer, through which the user invokes divine blessing and protection through the intercession of St. Benedict.

The front and back of the medal are covered with letters, and show two images: on one side, the image of St. Benedict with a crucifix in his right hand, and on the other, the rule of the Benedictine order. Around the medal is the inscription "EIUS IN OBITU NOSTRO PRESENTIA MUNIAMUR" (we can be protected by His presence at the time of our death).

On the other side is a cross with symbolic letters:
- C.S.P.B.Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti, The Cross of the Father
- C.S.S.M.L.Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux, The cross will be my light
- N.D.S.M.D.Non Drago Sit Mihi Dux, The devil shall not be my head and my lord
- V.R.S.Vade Retro, Satan! Satan, go away!
- N.S.M.V.Numquam Suade Mihi Vana, Don't lure me with vanity
- S.M.Q.L.Sunt Mala Quae Libas, You are evil
- I.V.B. Ipse Venena Bibas, Thou shalt drink thy poison.

Discover the collection of St. Benedict medals available on our website, also in silver and gold-plated silver. Comes with its own packaging and an explanatory booklet.


In iconographies St. Benedict is depicted as an elderly man with a long beard, dressed in the black abbot's habit, later replaced from the 15th century by the white habit of the reformed order. His attributes are the book of the rule, the abbatial staff and sometimes a bundle of rods, a symbol of discipline and penance.

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